Friday, April 3, 2015

Challenges Ahead!

 Nursing school is definitely no a walk in the park. It’s difficult to see myself two weeks from now let alone 5 years. Everyone keeps telling me the year that I have left in nursing school will go by in the blink of an eye… we’ll have to see about that. In 5 years from now I see myself working in the NICU, pediatric or maternity unit. As of now, I’m only in my second semester of nursing school so I won’t be surprised if my interests change drastically. I do plan on continuing my education, so I will be applying to schools for a nurse-midwifery/primary care pediatric nurse practitioner. I would love to join a non-profit and travel the world to rural areas providing much needed health care somewhere down the line. 

Regardless of which field I am in there are always opportunities to be an active participant in improving the healthcare system. Designing, selecting, evaluating, or implementing an information system in the workplace will be a challenge seeing that people do not like change. The system would have to be integrated with previous learned knowledge of the staff and prove to be beneficial to all. It is important to build off of positive reactions during the change process instead of negative ones. The actions and cooperation of the staff is important because they will be the ones using the new system which will determine the success of it. Have you ever heard the saying, smiling is contagious well learning is contagious!

Which is why I would use the change theory which requires implementing change in the social system. Once there is positive change it becomes contagious which will increase the willingness to change and learn a new system. The benefits of a new system must always be emphasized to encourage the staff to hop on board. (Nelson & Stagger, p.g. 32) 

Nelson, R. & Staggers. (2014). Health informatics: An interprofessional approach (Vol. 1). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby.

1 comment:

  1. Connie,
    I also think that it’s very hard to see where we are going to be in 5 years. There’s still so many more months of school left that we have many experiences yet to encounter that will hopefully help us in making the decision of where see ourselves working. Doing non-profit work around the world sounds amazing because you’ll get to travel, have fun, meet people and most of all to help those who less fortunate. I can definitely see you bringing a smile to those in need. 
    Implementing change in system is not an easy process. Change is something that takes time and as you said, most people do not like change because the old ways are most comforting. I agree that cooperation is the most important because without it, learning will be impossible. Maybe something like a learning incentive for your employees will help motivate them to better adapt to the new system. Good words of encouragement will also help them overcome the challenges of adaptation to a new information system.
