Friday, April 3, 2015


The CDC website is fully equipped with information technology. They have utilized Facebook, twitter, podcast, LinkedIn, YouTube, mobile apps, web apps, and even health e cards to educate the population and increase awareness. Through social media the CDC is able reach out to everyone in the population through their individual preference. The CDC covers a wide range of information including diseases, environmental health, safety, emergency preparedness, healthy living, disease trends and statistics, articles, and news. There is an entire A-Z directory of different diseases that include information about signs and symptoms, transmission, outbreaks, prevention, diagnosis, treatment.
Disease knows no borders! CDC 24/7 does not sleep!  The CDC has a surveillance resource center that uses information technology such as BioSense to monitor, track, and survey the public the possibility of harmful disease outbreaks or exposures. This increases awareness of not only the CDC but the public. Health data exchange systems and EHRS also rapidly collect, share, and evaluate information to increase awareness globally. The information provide is not classified for one or the other which I think is amazing. The information shared is for everyone both consumer and healthcare professionals. The information provided is easily understood but does not lack in content and complexity in any way.

BioSense. (2015, February 11). Retrieved April 3, 2015, from

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